Saturday, August 24, 2019

"She has ice in her heart..."

The last two years of my life have been a journey. 

My career as a social worker ended with a closed door in September 2017, following a long and exhausting battle uphill that I no longer had the energy to fight. With that, new opportunities were born and before I could blink, I was running a business with 10,000 square feet, 12 employees, and hundreds of weekly customers. I was busy, but happy, grateful

In the summer of 2018, just six months into business ownership, I sat across from my doctor and talked openly for the first time about anxiety and depression and past traumas and future worries, and started seriously working hard to understand my mental health and what was best for me. 

In late 2018, my life changed. For the first time in forever, I understood the joy and hope that came along with dreams and goals and planning for the future. I saw my potential, understood what I was capable of, and saw the fruits of hard work, love, sweat, tears, and prayers. I was happy, truly happy, and I let down my guard. 

The walls came falling down shortly after. 

This year, 2019, started with disappointment after disappointment. People walked all over me, the business I built, the brand I was creating, lied, stole, cheated, hurt, and attempted to destroy everything I worked for. This continued, and blindly I trusted, hoping good intentions would shine through and the plan I believed God had would come to light.

And then I answered a call that changed the rest of my life. At the end of January, little tiny girl moved in, and nothing else mattered except her. When you have a child, even with all the chaos, the entire world becomes smaller and happier and my entire focus on life, and the future, and business, and everything else changed as the tiny little girl came into every picture and every dream. 

Then the world was shattered, again, my world. I opened my eyes and I saw the destruction that had been going on for months, right behind me. I saw the chaos that was created. I saw the red flags, the little things that became big things, the hurt stacking up inside me, the brokenness, the lies, the failed relationships, empty promises, and all the anger. 

When you trust someone with your life, with the secrets that still sting in your eyes, with the business you have poured your soul into, with the child you love more than anything in this world, and with every other aspect of your life, only to turn around and have everything trampled upon without even a second thought. It hurts. It felt so deep that pain just didn't seem to acurately explain the hurt. It was and is absolutely excruciating-- emotional pain so intense that I wondered how I could be so blind, so stupid, so manipulated. 

It hurt. It really, really hurt. 

For months, I lost my footing. I became rooted in this anger and hurt and misery. My heart was so angry. My mind was so angry. My entire being was just so angry. 

How could people that I trusted, would have died for, been so hateful and hurtful?

But I had my little tiny girl, who kept me strong, kept me laughing, kept me going. My best friend, who stood at my side ready to fight any battle that I was too tired to continue, kept believing in me and who reminded me of my worth when I questioned it each and every time. My family, my precious family, held me up when I couldn't find my way. I still had a business that was growing, kids were happy, still laughing in the background, new relationships were built, great employees rose up, more dependable, dedicated, forgiving. We grew from a staff of 10 to 12, to 18, 19, 20, to 25. Before I could even blink, the summer of 2019 was ending and August was here. 

August rushed in as if it had always been here

August ran in. August has truly just made me tired. Business was pouring in, kids trying to soak in the last few days of summer before school resumed, rainy days, school starting again, employees going back to crazy class schedules and fall sports. August. 

After the chaos of back to school settled down, I snuggled up next to my three year old and watched Frozen, after a long night of work. Frozen is an absolute favorite in our home these days. I watched, and quoted as I have seen this movie at least weekly for the past month, with nothing else on my mind, not working, not texting, just watching. We got to the part after Elsa had accidentally hit Anna in the heart with her ice magic, and Kristoff rushed her to his family (of troll/rock works of art, seriously if you've seen the movie, these little guys are definitely my personal favorite), and the head troll guy says, "She's got ice in her heart..." 

Oh, Frozen. You are way too good to me. Besides the animations that are over the top and amazing, absolutely stunning, your subtle lessons of life often times leave me staring blankly with tears in my eyes, as no matter what I'm going through, this movie shows me something I often times try to avoid. 

Frozen has taught me a lot of things throughout the years. It's taught me how important the relationship between me and my family (especially those sisters of mine) is. It's taught me about love, but more importantly that I don't need a man to save me. I am capable, and just fine, living my life without a "man" around. It's taught me to let things go, to keep moving forward, and to stop running when things get hard. It's taught me that it's okay to accept help, to lean on others, and at the end of the day, always go running towards the people who just make you feel loved. Those are the ones that matter, always. 

And this August, it taught me that ice was in my heart and that the ice was killing me. 

It was killing my dreams, my family, the relationship I was creating and building, the little tiny girl I was raising, the business I was growing, the future I was designing. It was killing my legacy.

It was killing me. 

I found myself sitting in church that next Sunday, the first time I had managed to roll out of bed and make it there in at least 3-4 months. The sermon was all about letting go and forgiving the things people have done to us, who have hurt us, who have damaged us, in order to become the people we were meant to be. 

And so many people tell me that God isn't real... How else can one explain the ways in which it hit me so hard and so deeply and speak to me in exactly the way I needed, in both a simple movie released nearly 7 years ago and a church sermon, with the same exact message, days a part? I truly believe only those things are orchestrated by God, not coincidentally.  

At church, and in that moment, in that intimate moment between me and my savior, I realized the anger inside me was destroying me and even though I had put space and time between me and that hurt, it was still making my heart turn to ice. I couldn't be the person I was created to be and hold onto the weight that was holding me back, keeping me stuck, leaving me questioning my worth, and unsure of who I was and the life I was living. I couldn't do it any longer. 

I had to let it go, and that made me so angry, and was quite possibly the hardest thing I ever have had to do, and it continues to be hard, as it has been a daily choice this entire month of learning to live without the anger, free from the thoughts and hurt and chaos and destruction it has brought as I have relearned how to love and trust and heal. But the more progress I make, the more I physically feel my heart thawing, healing, restoring, becoming new, the more I realize that this has absolutely been the greatest thing I have ever chosen to do. 

I feel lighter than I have all year, more motivated, happier, healthier both physically and emotionally, and kinder, less frustrated and angry. I feel like I connect better with my little tiny girl, see her more, enjoy her more, love her deeper. I feel more involved, more connected, more motivated, at Tiger Bounce. As the hate moves out, more love and happy move in, and I feel closer to the "me" that I always knew was in there. I see the goals clearer, the future coming back into the picture, the picture has came back into focus, the hope has sharpened, the faith has returned, the happy has moved in and taken root. 

The happy returned. 
The weight was lifted. 
And new was born. Most excitingly, the new. 

On August 19th, official plans to expand Tiger Bounce were signed and completed. Tiger Bounce is growing, the business I thought would possibly never recover from the damage done earlier this year, will be growing by nearly 2,000 square feet. And we are so excited. And as I signed those papers, I realized that as I heal, Tiger Bounce heals, and that there are so many more chapters to write for the both of us, happier chapters, bigger chapters, greater chapters. 

And just as Joseph in the Bible said to his brothers who sold him into slavery, "What you intended for evil against me, God used for good." And we are so, so, so excited for the future, the good the rest of this year will bring... and just as Elsa said, we're saying the same thing too.

"I'm never going back, the past is in the past!
The ice has thawed. The anger is gone. New is here. 

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